Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Por David Owen. Extracto de "LIFE" (Oct. 1990), de Nueva York
Disponible en

El señor Whitson nos enseñaba ciencias naturales en sexto año de primaria. El primer día de clases, su exposición trató de una criatura llamada Gatiguampo, animal nocturno y mal adaptado al medio biológico, que se extinguió en la Era de las Glaciaciones. El maestro hizo pasar un cráneo de mano en mano, mientras explicaba el tema. Todos tomamos notas y más tarde, contestamos un cuestionario sobre esa lección.

Cuando me devolvió mi prueba quedé boquiabierto: una enorme equis roja tachaba cada una de mis respuestas. ¡Estaba reprobado! ¡Debía de haber algún error! Había repetido al pie de la letra las palabras del maestro. Luego supe que toda la clase había sido reprobada. ¿Qué había ocurrido?

Muy sencillo, nos explicó el señor Whitson. Él había inventado ese cuento del Gatiguampo. Jamás había existido tal especie. Por tanto, cada uno de los datos de nuestras notas era incorrecto. ¿Acaso queríamos que nos aprobara por contestar falsedades? Huelga decir que nos pusimos furiosos. ¿Qué clase de prueba era esa? ¿Y qué clase de maestro era ese?

Teníamos que habérnoslo imaginado, prosiguió el señor Whitson. En efecto: mientras circulaba entre nosotros el cráneo (que era de gato), ¿acaso no nos había dicho que no había quedado ningún vestigio del animal? Había hablado también de su asombrosa visión nocturna, del color de su piel y de otras muchas características de las que él no podría haberse enterado. Para colmo, le había puesto un nombre ridículo, y ni así habíamos maliciado la artimaña. Nos informó que anotaría los ceros de nuestras pruebas en las actas de exámenes oficiales.

El señor Whitson agregó que esperaba que hubiéramos aprendido algo de esa experiencia: los maestros y los libros de texto no son infalibles. Y nadie lo es. Nos recomendó no permitir que nuestras mentes se adormecieran y tener siempre el valor de expresar nuestra inconformidad cuando el maestro o el libro de texto nos parecieran errados.

Cada lección del señor Whitson constituía una aventura. Todavía hoy recuerdo, casi de principio a fin, algunas de sus disertaciones. Un día nos dijo que su Volkswagen era un organismo viviente. Tardamos dos días en armar una refutación que le pareciera aceptable. No se dio por satisfecho hasta que le demostramos no sólo que sabíamos lo que era un organismo viviente, sino también que teníamos la entereza de defender la verdad.

Aplicamos nuestro nuevo escepticismo a todas las materias de enseñanza. Esto ocasionó problemas al los demás maestros quienes no estaban acostumbrados a que los contradijeran. Nuestro maestro de historia, por ejemplo, disertaba sobre cualquier tema y, de pronto, se oían carraspeos y alguien susurraba: "Gatiguampo".

No he realizado ningún gran descubrimiento científico, pero las lecciones del señor Whitson nos infundieron a mí y a mis compañeros algo igualmente importante: el valor civil de mirar a las personas a la cara y decirles que están en el error. También nos enseñó que esta actitud puede ser divertida.

No todo el mundo le concede valor. En una ocasión le conté a un profesor de enseñanza primaria lo que hacía el señor Whitson. Aquel hombre se escandalizó. "No debió burlarse de ustedes así", comentó. Lo miré a la cara y le dije que estaba equivocado.


At 10:43 PM, Blogger alex said...

His face wore a calm, beaming smile, as if he heparin approved of all the world.. In describing the splendid, almost royal, days of the old planters, he would hesitate until he demerol had recalled the name of the negro who held his horse, or the exact date of certain minor happenings, or the number of bales of cotton raised in such a year; but Hargraves never grew impatient or lost interest.. By George! diflucan I forgot all about this, said Podington, as he unfastened the cork jacket.. But he celebrex went with two tramps by mutual consent into a church,[3] to which led a great many stairs;[4] behind the church there was a mountain,[5] on top of which a dense forest.. The aim, as well as the result, of the suppression is to stop the development of this viagra pain.. I knew the metronidazole lectures were of value, and I thought it best he should be able to keep the connection.. So they left their second letter and card and drove off, calcium continuing their ride till they reached the Croton water works, which they quitted the carriage to see and admire.. The sanguine Edward Morland looked rather blank at this intelligence, and his sister whispered to him, We'll get off cephalexin to Mrs.. George Randolph Chester (1869- ) gained distinction by creating the genial modern business man phentermine of American literature who is not content to get rich quick through the ordinary channels.. 's brother mentioned in a former dream. celexa. For the following dream, which again was told me adderall in order to deter me from a hasty generalization of the theory of wishing in dreams, I am indebted, not to a patient, but to an intelligent jurist of my acquaintance.. But make it fall carelessly over your shirt-front, advised the student of Hints geodon and Helps.. There seems heparin little doubt, in our own history, that it was the real General Pierce who shed tears when the delegate from Lawrence explained to him the sufferings of the people there--and only General Pierce's double who had given the orders for the assault on that town, which was invaded the next day.. Then in abrupt reaction he laughed lithium aloud, so that the shrill, musical falsetto startled the passers-by, and in another moment a little semicircle of the curious watched spellbound as a black man, exquisitely appareled, danced in wild, loose grace before the dull background of a somewhat grimy and apparently vacant window.. I escaped from insulin her arms, and ran home and seized the glasses and bounded back again to Preciosa...

At 7:08 AM, Blogger alex said...

His face wore a calm, beaming smile, as if he apap approved of all the world.. In describing the splendid, almost royal, days of the old planters, he would hesitate until he levaquin had recalled the name of the negro who held his horse, or the exact date of certain minor happenings, or the number of bales of cotton raised in such a year; but Hargraves never grew impatient or lost interest.. By George! toprol I forgot all about this, said Podington, as he unfastened the cork jacket.. But he calcium went with two tramps by mutual consent into a church,[3] to which led a great many stairs;[4] behind the church there was a mountain,[5] on top of which a dense forest.. The aim, as well as the result, of the suppression is to stop the development of this potassium pain.. I knew the penicillin lectures were of value, and I thought it best he should be able to keep the connection.. So they left their second letter and card and drove off, xanax continuing their ride till they reached the Croton water works, which they quitted the carriage to see and admire.. The sanguine Edward Morland looked rather blank at this intelligence, and his sister whispered to him, We'll get off premarin to Mrs.. George Randolph Chester (1869- ) gained distinction by creating the genial modern business man celebrex of American literature who is not content to get rich quick through the ordinary channels.. 's brother mentioned in a former dream. insulin. For the following dream, which again was told me imitrex in order to deter me from a hasty generalization of the theory of wishing in dreams, I am indebted, not to a patient, but to an intelligent jurist of my acquaintance.. But make it fall carelessly over your shirt-front, advised the student of Hints zoloft and Helps.. There seems zoloft little doubt, in our own history, that it was the real General Pierce who shed tears when the delegate from Lawrence explained to him the sufferings of the people there--and only General Pierce's double who had given the orders for the assault on that town, which was invaded the next day.. Then in abrupt reaction he laughed percocet aloud, so that the shrill, musical falsetto startled the passers-by, and in another moment a little semicircle of the curious watched spellbound as a black man, exquisitely appareled, danced in wild, loose grace before the dull background of a somewhat grimy and apparently vacant window.. I escaped from warfarin her arms, and ran home and seized the glasses and bounded back again to Preciosa...

At 1:50 PM, Blogger alex said...

His face wore a calm, beaming smile, as if he actos approved of all the world.. In describing the splendid, almost royal, days of the old planters, he would hesitate until he flonase had recalled the name of the negro who held his horse, or the exact date of certain minor happenings, or the number of bales of cotton raised in such a year; but Hargraves never grew impatient or lost interest.. By George! reglan I forgot all about this, said Podington, as he unfastened the cork jacket.. But he thyroid went with two tramps by mutual consent into a church,[3] to which led a great many stairs;[4] behind the church there was a mountain,[5] on top of which a dense forest.. The aim, as well as the result, of the suppression is to stop the development of this hydrocodone pain.. I knew the levitra lectures were of value, and I thought it best he should be able to keep the connection.. So they left their second letter and card and drove off, aspirin continuing their ride till they reached the Croton water works, which they quitted the carriage to see and admire.. The sanguine Edward Morland looked rather blank at this intelligence, and his sister whispered to him, We'll get off avelox to Mrs.. George Randolph Chester (1869- ) gained distinction by creating the genial modern business man amoxicillin of American literature who is not content to get rich quick through the ordinary channels.. 's brother mentioned in a former dream. zithromax. For the following dream, which again was told me vicodin in order to deter me from a hasty generalization of the theory of wishing in dreams, I am indebted, not to a patient, but to an intelligent jurist of my acquaintance.. But make it fall carelessly over your shirt-front, advised the student of Hints ranitidine and Helps.. There seems xanax little doubt, in our own history, that it was the real General Pierce who shed tears when the delegate from Lawrence explained to him the sufferings of the people there--and only General Pierce's double who had given the orders for the assault on that town, which was invaded the next day.. Then in abrupt reaction he laughed vioxx aloud, so that the shrill, musical falsetto startled the passers-by, and in another moment a little semicircle of the curious watched spellbound as a black man, exquisitely appareled, danced in wild, loose grace before the dull background of a somewhat grimy and apparently vacant window.. I escaped from celebrex her arms, and ran home and seized the glasses and bounded back again to Preciosa...

At 4:33 PM, Blogger alex said...

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...

At 8:19 AM, Blogger alex said...

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...

At 2:05 PM, Blogger Rodrigo Vergara Rojas said...

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